I am trying to set this video to be rendered and it works but for some reason I get the error from the title and I am not sure why that is the case. I am trying to use this video-rendering library to set my video work properly and then I call it in the return. I hope you can help me figure it out.
This is my code:
import React from "react"
import styled from 'styled-components';
import Images from '../assets/Images';
import VideoRenderer from 'react-video-renderer';
const BoatStyle = styled.div `
max-height: 100%;
display: block;
align-self: center;
width: 1250px;
position: absolute;
top: var(--top);
export default class Video extends React.Component {
state = {
defaultTime: 0,
componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState) {
if (this.props.mode !== prevProps.mode) {
if(!(prevProps.mode === "TRAILER" || this.props.mode === "TRAILER"))
if(this.props.mode === "FLIGHT") {this.setState({defaultTime: 0})}
else {this.setState({defaultTime: 3.7})}
render() {
const video = <VideoRenderer src="images/BoatAnimation.webm" autoPlay={true} defaultTime={this.state.defaultTime}>
{(video, state, actions) => { //start arrow function
if(this.props.mode === "FLIGHT"){ //start if
if(this.props.isImage === true) {
// console.log("FLIGHT Image")
return (
<img alt="FLIGHT" src={Images[90]}/>
else if(state.currentTime > 3.7)
setTimeout(() => {
actions.navigate(3.7) //curcly braces redundant
}, 15);
return (
<img alt="PAUSE" src={Images[90]}/>
else {
//console.log("Flight Video")
return (
} // end if
else if(this.props.mode === "FLOAT" || this.props.mode === "TRAILER"){ // start else if
if(this.props.isImage) {
// console.log("FLOAT Image")
return (
<img alt="FLOAT" src={Images[0]}/>
else if(state.currentTime === state.duration)
// console.log("FLOAT Become Image")
setTimeout(() => {
actions.navigate(0) //curcly braces redundant
}, 15);
return (
<img alt="PAUSE" src={Images[0]}/>
else {
//console.log("FLOAT Video")
return (
} //end else if
else { //start else
<img alt="MISSING" src={Images[0]}/>
} //end else
}//end arrow function