My input file looks like this:
"type" : "asdf",
"properties" : {
"Name" : "First center",
"Code" : "ABCD",
"Address" : "Emmastr 14",
"City" : "Rotterdam",
"Postcode" : 55968,
"type" : "qwer",
"properties" : {
"Name" : "Second center",
"Code" : "OTHER",
"Address" : "Havenstraat 15",
"City" : "Rotterdam",
"Postcode" : 88767,
"type" : "zxcv",
"properties" : {
"Name" : "Third center",
"Code" : "ABCD",
"Address" : "Kerkstraat 16",
"City" : "Amsterdam",
"Postcode" : 33948,
"type" : "tyiu",
"properties" : {
"Name" : "Fourth center",
"Code" : "ABCD",
"Address" : "Zeestraat 17",
"City" : "Amsterdam",
"Postcode" : 56475,
I've been tasked to present this information grouped per city (a document for each city).
Only the items that have Code="ABCD"
should appear in the output.
Output should be ordered by city name (_id
Output should be written to a new collection.
So the output I'm looking for is something like this:
_id: "Amsterdam",
center: [
{"Name": "Third center" , "Postcode": 33948, "Address": "Kerkstraat 16"},
{"Name": "Fourth center" , "Postcode": 56475, "Address": "Zeestraat 17"}
_id: "Rotterdam",
center: [
{"Name": "First center" , "Postcode": 55968, "Address": "Emmastr 14"}
This little snippet filter by "ABCD", groups by city
and writes the output to a new collection.
db.centers.aggregate ([
{$match: {"properties.Code": "ABCD"}}
,{ $group: {_id: "$properties.City"}}
,{ $out: "newColl"}
But I'm not getting much further because of lack of hands on experience.
I struggle getting an array out of something that's not an array in the input. Is there anyone that could help?
question from: