- The desired format,
'2018-Feb-27 10:47:00'
, is a str
not a datetime64[ns] dtype
, which means df.index.month
and df[col].dt.month
can't be used to extract the month, because those methods don't work on strings
Option 1:
- I think it's easier to use the
module (part of the standard library) to get a list
of month names, and then map the month number to the month name.
import pandas as pd
from calendar
# test dataframe
df = pd.DataFrame({'a': np.random.randint(1, 10, size=(3000))}, index=pd.bdate_range('2021-01-21', freq='D', periods=3000))
df.index.name = 'Call Out Time'
# display(df.head())
Call Out Time
2021-01-21 3
2021-01-22 8
2021-01-23 7
2021-01-24 2
2021-01-25 9
# groupby month: the index must be a datetime dtype
dfg = df.groupby(df.index.month).size().reset_index(name='counts')
# map the month number to the month name
dfg['Call Out Time'] = dfg['Call Out Time'].map(dict(zip(range(1, 13), calendar.month_name[1:])))
Option 2:
# groupby month_name
dfg = df.groupby(df.index.month_name()).size().reset_index(name='counts')
# set as categorical
dfg['Call Out Time'] = pd.Categorical(dfg['Call Out Time'], categories=calendar.month_name[1:], ordered=True)
# sort the values
dfg = dfg.sort_values('Call Out Time').reset_index(drop=True)
Result of both options:
Call Out Time counts
0 January 259
1 February 254
2 March 279
3 April 248
4 May 248
5 June 240
6 July 248
7 August 248
8 September 240
9 October 248
10 November 240
11 December 248