x1, x2, x3, x4, x5...x90, 'ignore'
37.4, 35.6, 43.5, 33.3, 42.4...42.5, 'ignoe'
32.2, 37.2, 43.4, 34.3, 82.4...22.1, 44
33.5, 45.5, 25.9, 23.8, 24.2...52.2, True
35.4, 30.6, 33.3, 33.3, 42.5...82.5, 'ignre'
I want to mutate all of the elements so they will all be between 0-1, by dividing each element by the max element in the row, ignoring the last column (there will not be any negative numbers or 0)
The problem I am having is it needs to be performant on millions of rows but iterating over rows in pandas is very slow
I believe this works but it is very slow
for index, row in df.iterrows():
rowMax = max(row.drop(columns='ignore'))
for i in range(1, 91):
df.loc[index, 'x' + str(i)] = df.loc[index, 'x' + str(i)] / rowMax
x1, x2, x3, x4, x5...x90, 'ignore'
0.86, 0.82, 1.00, 0.77, 0.97...0.98, 'ignoe'
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