I have a list of objects - each with various properties... the list is about 4000 long.
there is a reason to filter and show a subsection of the slice based on a property of these objects... for example... selecting all of them that have the 'paid' bool set to true, or 'rush' bool.
this is my current code.
import {selectJobs,
selectUnpaidJobs} from "../../slices/jobCardSlice";
// inside the component
const [selectors, setSelectors] = useState([selectUncompleteJobs,selectJobs,selectCompleteJobs,selectUnpaidJobs]); // an array of selectors
const found = selectors.find(x=>x===props.selector); //initial selector choosed
const [chosenSelector, setChosenSelector] = useState(selectors.indexOf(found)||0); //a number
const jobs = useSelector(selectors[chosenSelector]); // the slice
const selectControls = (
<select className="selectControls" onChange={(e)=>{
}}>{selectors.map((x,i)=><option value = {i}>{x.name}</option>)}
); // the thing that changes the slice a select element that selects a selector
var jobscards = jobs.map(jobDatat=>(<JobCard key={jobDatat.id} props={jobDatat} />));
// then it renders a box with the selector in the head - and a list of jobcards in the body (boxes have a head/title area, and a body/list area);
and here are the selectors, they are pretty basic.
export const selectJobs = (state) =>{
return state.jobs;
export const selectNoData = (state)=>{
return state.jobs.filter(x=>x.data===1);
export const selectCompleteJobs = (state) =>{
return state.jobs.filter(x=>x.JobStatus === "COMPLETE");
export const selectUncompleteJobs = (state) =>{
return state.jobs.filter(x=>x.JobStatus !== "COMPLETE");
export const selectUnpaidJobs = (state) =>{
return state.jobs.filter(x=>x.paidStatus!== "PAID");
switching between small slices is just barely fast enough... however, if I change to a large slice - it takes more than 15 seconds to load in.
is there a better way to handle filtering of a selector? this is literally just the first thing that came to mind - it technically works but is no where close to production ready due to speed.
how do you handle filtering long lists? (also - the initial load in with all fresh data from the server: that first render is maybe one second - so I think there is a pattern that can be that fast...)
I'm new to react - and I haven't found anything about a good way of handling this yet.
EDIT: i have made the following changes to the slice.
//instead of the old selectors - they are now:
export const selectNoData = createSelector(
//input selector all jobs
export const selectUnpaidJobs = createSelector(
//input selector all jobs
jobs=>jobs.filter(x=>x.hasBeenPaid !== "PAID")
export const selectUncompleteJobs = createSelector(
//input selector all jobs
jobs=>jobs.filter(j=>j.JobCompleted !== "COMPLETE")
export const selectCompleteJobs = createSelector(
//input selector all jobs
jobs=>jobs.filter(j=>j.JobCompleted === "COMPLETE")
this does improve performance down to 7 seconds instead of 15.
I'm still looking for further optimization - but that was a big step!