Your code fails because you are mixing a declare section that must be followed by a begin section, with a "create or replace function" that is a standalone statement to create objects;
If you want to declare a PL/SQL table type and make it public,
you must put it in a package specification, so it can be visible by any function (I also declare here the function F_getTrayIdByDiameter, to make it visible):
CREATE OR REPLACE package utils is
type t_trayIds is table of number(38,0) index by binary_integer;
function F_getTrayIdByDiameter(v_diameterInCm tray.diameterincm%TYPE) return t_trayIds;
end utils;
besides, you can't use SELECT INTO syntax, because
select col into var
can be used only for single row, not for lists;
in PL/SQL, if you want to manage multiple rows, you have to use a cursor;
so, if you want to create your PL/SQL table, you can fetch your cursor and build your list (PL/SQL table);
so, your package body can be,
CREATE OR REPLACE package body utils is
function F_getTrayIdByDiameter(v_diameterInCm tray.diameterincm%TYPE) return t_trayIds is
v_trayIdsTable t_trayIds;
i number := 0;
cursor c is
select t.trayid from tray t
where t.diameterincm = v_diameterincm;
for my_rec in c loop
v_trayIdsTable(i) := my_rec.trayid;
i := i + 1;
end loop;
return v_trayIdsTable;
end utils;
Then, you can use your list in another function, or in an anonymous block, just for example:
my_result utils.t_trayIds;
my_result := utils.F_GETTRAYIDBYDIAMETER(20);