Your linked document is to restore the whole VM or individual files. Before this, you need to enable Azure Backup to create recovery points that are stored in geo-redundant recovery vaults.
If you don't enable Azure Backup, consider there is a scenario where you want to get certain data from the snapshot without restoring the complete VM. In that case, one of the excellent ways is to create a VM from the snapshot and get the specific data that you need. In this way, you can create a different VM name and get the original data from the source VM. You can read this blog for more details.
To use Azure CLI to create an Azure VM from snapshots, read this for more details.
#Create snapshot
osdiskid=$(az vm show
-g myResourceGroupDisk
-n myVM
--query ""
-o tsv)
az snapshot create
--resource-group myResourceGroupDisk
--source "$osdiskid"
--name osDisk-backup
#Create disk from snapshot
az disk create
--resource-group myResourceGroupDisk
--name mySnapshotDisk
--source osDisk-backup
#Create a new virtual machine from the snapshot disk.
az vm create
--resource-group myResourceGroupDisk
--name myVM
--attach-os-disk mySnapshotDisk
--os-type linux