i am using pytesseract to convert image data to text but in my case in order to get good result, passing multiple parameters in try and except block. see below code
text_value = pytesseract.image_to_string(image_path,config='--psm 3 -l eng')
text_value = pytesseract.image_to_string(image_path,config='--psm 6 -l eng')
text_value = pytesseract.image_to_string(image_path,config='--psm 8 -l eng')
but if i have to pass 10 images then problem is time taking 10 images X 3 times ,is there any way to load image once and give multiple parameters and expect multiple outputs. OR else if video to string if available and how to do it ,so that may be it will load tesseract once and perform conversion to text on multiple video frames.
or any suggestions much appreciated.