Check out Adding Console I/O to a Win32 GUI App. This may help you do what you want.
If you don't have, or can't modify the code, try the suggestions found here to redirect console output to a file.
Edit: bit of thread necromancy here. I first answered this 9ish years ago, in the early days of SO, before the (good) policy of non-link-only answers came into effect. I'll repost the code from the original article in the hope to atone for my past sins.
guicon.cpp -- A console redirection function
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <io.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
// maximum mumber of lines the output console should have
static const WORD MAX_CONSOLE_LINES = 500;
#ifdef _DEBUG
void RedirectIOToConsole()
int hConHandle;
long lStdHandle;
FILE *fp;
// allocate a console for this app
// set the screen buffer to be big enough to let us scroll text
GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), &coninfo);
coninfo.dwSize.Y = MAX_CONSOLE_LINES;
SetConsoleScreenBufferSize(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), coninfo.dwSize);
// redirect unbuffered STDOUT to the console
lStdHandle = (long)GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
hConHandle = _open_osfhandle(lStdHandle, _O_TEXT);
fp = _fdopen( hConHandle, "w" );
*stdout = *fp;
setvbuf( stdout, NULL, _IONBF, 0 );
// redirect unbuffered STDIN to the console
lStdHandle = (long)GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE);
hConHandle = _open_osfhandle(lStdHandle, _O_TEXT);
fp = _fdopen( hConHandle, "r" );
*stdin = *fp;
setvbuf( stdin, NULL, _IONBF, 0 );
// redirect unbuffered STDERR to the console
lStdHandle = (long)GetStdHandle(STD_ERROR_HANDLE);
hConHandle = _open_osfhandle(lStdHandle, _O_TEXT);
fp = _fdopen( hConHandle, "w" );
*stderr = *fp;
setvbuf( stderr, NULL, _IONBF, 0 );
// make cout, wcout, cin, wcin, wcerr, cerr, wclog and clog
// point to console as well
//End of File
guicon.h -- Interface to console redirection function
#ifndef __GUICON_H__
#define __GUICON_H__
#ifdef _DEBUG
void RedirectIOToConsole();
// End of File
test.cpp -- Demonstrating console redirection
#include <windows.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <conio.h>
#include <stdio.h>
using namespace std;
#include "guicon.h"
#include <crtdbg.h>
int APIENTRY WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPTSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow)
#ifdef _DEBUG
int iVar;
// test stdio
fprintf(stdout, "Test output to stdout
fprintf(stderr, "Test output to stderr
fprintf(stdout, "Enter an integer to test stdin: ");
scanf("%d", &iVar);
printf("You entered %d
", iVar);
//test iostreams
cout << "Test output to cout" << endl;
cerr << "Test output to cerr" << endl;
clog << "Test output to clog" << endl;
cout << "Enter an integer to test cin: ";
cin >> iVar;
cout << "You entered " << iVar << endl;
// test wide iostreams
wcout << L"Test output to wcout" << endl;
wcerr << L"Test output to wcerr" << endl;
wclog << L"Test output to wclog" << endl;
wcout << L"Enter an integer to test wcin: ";
wcin >> iVar;
wcout << L"You entered " << iVar << endl;
// test CrtDbg output
_CrtSetReportMode( _CRT_WARN, _CRTDBG_MODE_FILE );
_RPT0(_CRT_WARN, "This is testing _CRT_WARN output
_RPT0(_CRT_ERROR, "This is testing _CRT_ERROR output
_ASSERT( 0 && "testing _ASSERT" );
_ASSERTE( 0 && "testing _ASSERTE" );
return 0;
//End of File