How do you use Map.foldLeft? According to the docs it looks like
foldLeft [B] (z: B)(op: (B, (A, B)) ? B) : B
But I'm having difficulty:
Map("first"->1,"second"->2).foldLeft(0)((a,(k,v)) => a+v ) error: not a legal formal parameter
Map("first"->1,"second"->2).foldLeft(0)((a,(k,v)) => a+v )
error: not a legal formal parameter
The error points to the open bracket in front of k.
If you want to use the (a, (k, v)) syntax, you need to advise the compiler to use pattern matching.
(a, (k, v))
Map("first"->1, "second"->2).foldLeft(0){ case (a, (k, v)) => a+v }
Note that a case statement requires curly braces.
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