I need to make a web page with a lot of content. In order to be more efficient when modifying this content, I decided to put it in separate files and then include these files, following this tutorial: https://www.w3schools.com/howto/howto_html_include.asp.
For example one of these files may contain some clickable links to book descriptions, which are modal boxes. So I need to get them in a loading script to get these clickable links and make them trigger some events. But it seems this loading script is called before JavaScript gets the included nodes, even if I add an event listener after reading some threads (I tried to run it at 'DOMContentLoaded' or 'load') : document.getElementById or document.getElementsByClassName still returns null so it fails to define an onclick function. Let me show an example code:
function includeHTML() { /* Some code replacing the div by some-content.html, which is : <a id="clickable">Hello</a> */}
var button = null
window.addEventListener('load', function() {
button = document.getElementById("clickable");
button.onclick = function() { alert('Hello'); }
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script type="text/javascript" src="script.js"></script>
<p>Here is a trigger button : </p>
<div include-html="some-content.html"></div>
On Firefox, this will fail on defining button.onclick as button is still null.
Any idea on how to fix it?
Not only should I be adding links, but also modal boxes. Here is a script code, more complete, for what my guess was:
var boxNames = ["bibliography", "about", "book1", "book2" ];
var boxes = null /* Contains the boxes to be displayed */
var trigs = null /* Contains the trigger buttons for each box */
var close = null /* Contains the close buttons for each box */
function setTrigger(i) {
trigs[i].onclick = function() { setBoxVisible(true, i); }
function setClose(i) {
trigs[i].onclick = function() { setBoxVisible(false, i); }
function load() {
boxes = new Array(4);
trigs = new Array(4);
close = new Array(4);
for(var i = 0; i < boxNames.length; i++) {
setTrigger(i); setClose(i);
window.onload = function() { load(); }
For the code of includeHTML(), you can have a look at the tutorial I shared, I copy/pasted.
I think this kind of function would be more elegant if dealing with such stuff, but I would need it to be launched once everything is loaded, as if I was running it manually.