I have been working on a project involving the stock market, and created my own class for it, however when I run this code I get an error
import stock_class as st
for i in names:
string = str(i)
stonk = st.stock(string, datetime.datetime(2016,12,31),datetime.datetime.now())
wSTD = stonk.standard_deviation() * weight[0]
When I run this same code outside of the loop it works just fine, so I think it may be a weird python thing where you can't declare an instance class with an iterated variable. However weird it may seem. here is the error I get in response to the following code running:
pandas_datareader._utils.RemoteDataError: No data fetched for symbol CHOLF using YahooDailyReader
let me know if anyone needs further information, thank you.
Here is the library I made and called:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import yfinance as yf
import datetime as datetime
import pandas_datareader.data as web
import os
import math
class stock:
def __init__(self, name, start, end):
self.name = name #string
self.start = start
self.end = end # datetime funtion
def history_data(self):
hist = web.DataReader(self.name,'yahoo',self.start, self.end)
return hist
def returnP(self):
stonk = self.history_data()
close = stonk['Close']
returnlist = []
for i in range(len(close)):
if i != 0:
returnVal = (close[i]/close[i-1])-1
stonk['Return'] = returnlist #hopefully places a new column for the return rate
return stonk
def standard_deviation(self):
stonk = self.returnP()
array = []
mean = sum(stonk['Return'])/stonk.count()['Return']
for i in range(stonk.count()['Return']):
array.append((stonk['Return'][i] - mean)**2)
std = math.sqrt(sum(array)/len(array))
return std
def cum_return(self):
stonk = self.returnP()
stonk['Cumreturn'] = (stonk['Return']+1).cumprod()
return stonk
def yfticker(self): #should not be called by user
stonk = yf.Ticker(self.name)
info = stonk.info
return info
def PEG(self):
info = self.yfticker()
PEG = info['pegRatio']
return PEG
def FPE(self):
info = self.yfticker()
FPE = info['forwardPE']
return FPE
def price_book(self):
info = self.yfticker()
priceToBook = info['priceToBook']
return priceToBook
as previously aforementioned, this code works by itself, here is the code where the error takes place in the buy() function
import stock_class as st
import pandas as pd
import pandas_datareader.data as web
import yfinance as yf
import datetime
import time
class descision:
def __init__(self, names, money): # takes an array of stocks so we can value
self.names = names # dem bitches ['tsla', 'fb', 'aapl', ... ]
self.money = money
def buy(self):
weight = [.5, .25, .25] # weights for STD, FPE, and PEG
money = self.money
split = money/10
names = self.names
pair = {}
buying = [] #going into dataframe
FPE = []
PEG = []
STD = []
price = [] # going into dataframe
date = []
amtBought = []
for i in names:
string = str(i)
stonk = st.stock(string, datetime.datetime(2016,12,31),datetime.datetime.now())
wSTD = stonk.standard_deviation() * weight[0]
wFPE = stonk.FPE() * weight[1]
wPEG = stonk.PEG() * weight[2]
heafty = (wSTD + wFPE + wPEG)
pair[i] = heafty
for i in range(10):
for i in buying:
stock = yf.Ticker(i)
hist = stock/history('1d')
buyPrice = hist['Close'][-1]
tuples = list(zip(buying, price, date, amtBought))
df = pd.DataFrame(tuples, columns = ['Names', 'Buy Price',
'Date Purchased' ,' Amount'])
return df
# buy from the stocks in the growers with the least volitility,
# PE, and PEG
#def sell(self):
file = open('growers.txt','r')
names = []
money = 1000
for i in file:
y = descision(names, money)
I hope my edit provides enough information
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