I will show you my two versions.
Vanilla Javascript.
<div wire:ignore>
<textarea id="description" wire:key="ckeditor-1">{{ $description }}</textarea>
CKEDITOR.instances.description.on('change', function() {
@this.set('description', this.getData());
@this.set continuously sends data on every change event. You can use 'blur' event instead of change. But I faced the problem, when user fills the CKEditor area and immediately clicks the submit button. Then the property won't be set.
Btw you can see, I am not using wire:model at all, because @this.set is doing the work instead.
I am using wire:key (especially for an ignored parts, replaced with third party libraries) - but most of the time will work even without wire:key.
- AlpineJS
The reason I am using AlpineJS version is: I don't want my CKEditors to be live synchronized with backend properties on every change. With Alpine version I am using wire:model properly and I can use wire:model.defer (which causes the data will be send on the next network request - when I submit the form).
<div wire:ignore>
<textarea id="description"
CKEDITOR.instances.description.on('change', function() {
$dispatch('input', this.getData());
{{ $description }}
This one is also hooked on the 'change' event of the CKEditor. The Alpine's helper directive $dispatch synchronizes/sends CKEditor's data with the wire:model property.
If you use wire:model without defer, the data will by synchronized with each change in the CKEditor - similar to vanilla JS version.