RegisterHotKey(0,1,MOD_ALT,VK_TAB); //disables alt+tab until message box returns
SetTimer(hwnd,1,100,0); //0.1 sec is enough for message box window creation
MessageBox(0,"Text","Title",MB_ICONINFORMATION|MB_SYSTEMMODAL); //since it's system modal, main message loop will wait for it to return
ClipCursor(0); //frees cursor
UnregisterHotKey(0,1); //enables alt+tab again
Here we use a timer to clip cursor so that user won't be able to click outside of the message box. I left title part of the messagebox outside of the clip area because clicking there negates cursor clipping.
case WM_TIMER:
RECT rc;
GetWindowRect(FindWindow(0,"Title"),&rc);; //title area left out of clip area
ClipCursor(&rc); //user cannot move their mouse outside of the message box
This however can't block Ctrl + Alt + Del but does what you ask.