bin]# ./createdb cx123 -U postgres [bin]# ./createdb cx111 -U postgres [bin]# ./psql -d cx123 -U postgres Welcome to psql 8.3.7, the PostgreSQL interactive terminal. Type: copyright for distribution terms h for help with SQL commands ? for help with psql commands g or terminate with semicolon to execute query q to quit cx123=# ALTER DATABASE cx111 RENAME TO cx222 cx123-# q [bin]# ./psql -l -U postgres List of databases Name | Owner | Encoding -----------+----------+---------- cx111 | postgres | UTF8 cx123 | postgres | UTF8 (2 rows) ###################################################
Hi guys, See the above code, I failed to rename cx111 to cx 222, any idea? Thanks a lot.
You need to terminate the ALTER statement with a semicolon.
The way you typed it, it never got executed because psql was waiting for the statement to be finished.
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