TLDR: I want to get shares count of a video, subs gained/lost of a channel.
what I have tried:
using and guide from , I can get channel information (name, desc, view count, subs count, video count) and video information (name, desc, view count, like/dislike count, favorite, comment count)
import json
import requests
API_KEY = 'aaabbbbccc' # replace with your API key
CHANNEL_ID = 'aaabbbccc' # replace with a channel ID
VIDEO_ID = 'aaabbbccc' # replace with a video ID
def get_video_info(v_id):
data = {
"part": 'snippet,statistics',
"id": v_id,
"key": API_KEY
clients_response = requests.get(BASE_URL + "videos", params=data)
data_dict = {}
if clients_response.status_code == 200:
x = json.loads(clients_response.content.decode())
for j in x["items"]:
data_dict = {
"videoID": j["id"],
"videoURL": "" + j["id"],
"publishedAt": j["snippet"]["publishedAt"],
"channelID": j["snippet"]["channelId"],
"videoName": j["snippet"]["title"],
"videoDesc": j["snippet"]["description"],
"viewCount": j["statistics"]["viewCount"],
"likeCount": j["statistics"]["likeCount"],
"dislikeCount": j["statistics"]["dislikeCount"],
"favoriteCount": j["statistics"]["favoriteCount"],
#"commentCount": j["statistics"]["commentCount"],
return data_dict
def get_channel_info(c_id):
data = {
#"part": 'snippet,statistics',
"part": 'snippet,contentDetails,statistics,status',
#"part": 'auditDetails,brandingSettings,contentDetails,contentOwnerDetails,id,localizations,snippet,statistics,status,topicDetails',
"id": c_id,
"key": API_KEY
clients_response = requests.get(BASE_URL + "channels", params=data)
clean_list = []
if clients_response.status_code == 200:
x = json.loads(clients_response.content.decode())
for j in x["items"]:
data_dict = {
"channelID": j["id"],
"channelURL": "" + j["id"],
"channelName": j["snippet"]["title"],
"channelDesc": j["snippet"]["description"],
"viewCount": j["statistics"]["viewCount"],
"subscriberCount": j["statistics"]["subscriberCount"],
"videoCount": j["statistics"]["videoCount"],
return clean_list
video_info = get_video_info(VIDEO_ID)
channel_info = get_channel_info(CHANNEL_ID)
BUT, I still couldnt get video shares, subs gained/lost. so I did some readings, and found these 2:
Likes and Dislike count for weekly data from YouTube Data API
#2 Youtube API returning more views than is listed on native
is there a way to use standard python get request to get the video shares, subs gained/lost? without having to use youtube api (that use flow, flask, scopes, client secret json --> cause I also tried this and error msg indicate something about active HTTP request is needed)
I feel like this url could be a help, but not sure how to break it down,comments,likes,dislikes,shares,estimatedMinutesWatched,averageViewDuration,averageViewPercentage,annotationClickThroughRate,annotationCloseRate,subscribersGained,subscribersLost&dimensions=day&filters=video==qstWdXxFmcU
I have tried changing the channel ID, date start/to, and video ID.
coming out into the community for help means I am super desperate..
clues and help are very much appreciated. thank you.
question from: