Hey am working on a quote website project. To understand the question clearly see my html, css and Javascript.
My Html
<style>/* Main Status */
.pagable {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
border: var(--pageable-border);
background: var(--pageable-background);
.status-copy-alert {
position: relative;
background-color: #18b495;
color: #ffffff;
padding: 10px 10px;
border-radius: 5px;
left: 8px;
text-transform: uppercase;
letter-spacing: 0.05em;
font-weight: 500;
visibility: hidden;
position: absolute;
height: 10px;
width: 10px;
background-color: #18b495;
left: -5px;
transform: rotate(45deg);
top: 39%;
.pagable .pagable-results {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
flex: 1;
padding: 0.25em;
.pagable .pagable-status {
display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
justify-content: space-between;
padding: 0.25em;
background: var(--pageable-status-background);
.pagable .pagable-actions {
display: grid;
grid-auto-flow: column;
grid-gap: 0.25em;
.pagable .pagable-actions input[name="page-curr"] {
width: 3em;
.status-copy-alert {
position: relative;
background-color: #18b495;
color: #ffffff;
padding: 10px 10px;
border-radius: 5px;
left: -42px;
text-transform: uppercase;
letter-spacing: 0.05em;
font-weight: 500;
visibility: visible;
opacity: 0;
transition: left 0.4s, opacity 0.4s;
.animatedClass {
left: 20px;
opacity: 1;
position: absolute;
height: 10px;
width: 10px;
background-color: #18b495;
left: -5px;
transform: rotate(45deg);
top: 39%;
<a href="hindinj.html">caeman</a>
<div class="mainStatus">
<h2 class="statusHeading">Latest English Status</h2>
<div class="allquotes"></div>
<div class="pagable-status">
<label>Page <span class="page-no-curr"></span> of <span class="page-no-count"></span></label>
<div class="pagination">
<button class="page-btn-prev btn">PRE</button>
<span class="manho">1</span>
<button class="page-btn-next btn">NEXT</button>
<input name="current-page" class="value-page" type="number" value="1" min="1">
<button class="jump-btn">Go</button>
My Javascript
const resultEl = document.querySelector('.allquotes');
const pageCurr = document.querySelector('.manho')
const pageNoCurr = document.querySelector('.page-no-curr');
const pageNoCount = document.querySelector('.page-no-count')
const btnPrev = document.querySelector('.page-btn-prev');
const btnNext = document.querySelector('.page-btn-next');
let results = [];
const getResultCount = () => results.length;
const getPageSize = () => 12;
const getCurrPage = () => +pageCurr.innerText;
const getPageCount = () => Math.ceil(getResultCount() / getPageSize());
const pageResponse = (records, pageSize, page) =>
(start => records.slice(start, Math.min(records.length, start + pageSize)))
(pageSize * (page - 1));
const btnJump = document.querySelector('.jump-btn');
const pageValue = document.querySelector('.value-page');
const main = async() => {
btnPrev.addEventListener('click', navPrev);
btnNext.addEventListener('click', navNext);
btnJump.addEventListener('click', navJump);
results = await retrieveAllQuotes();
const redraw = () => {
resultEl.innerHTML = '';
const paged = pageResponse(results, getPageSize(), getCurrPage());
const contents = document.createElement('div');
const quotes = paged.map((record) => `<div class='latestatus'><p class='copytxt'>${record.quotes}</p><div> <button class="copystatus btn">Copy</button><span class="status-copy-alert hidden" id="status-copy-alert">Copied!</span></div></div>`);
const quoteGroupNumer = Math.ceil(quotes.length / 2);
const groups = Array(quoteGroupNumer).fill('').map((value, index) => {
const groupQuoteFirst = quotes[2 * index]; // 0, 2, 4, 6
const groupQuoteSecond = quotes[2 * index + 1] || ''; // 1, 3, 5, 7
return `<div class="flex">${groupQuoteFirst}${groupQuoteSecond}</div>`;
contents.innerHTML = groups.join('');
const navPrev = (e) => {
const pages = getPageCount();
const curr = getCurrPage();
const prevPage = curr > 1 ? curr - 1 : curr;
pageCurr.innerText = prevPage;
pageNoCurr.textContent = prevPage;
const navNext = (e) => {
const pages = getPageCount();
const curr = getCurrPage();
const nextPage = curr < pages ? curr + 1 : curr;
pageCurr.innerText = nextPage;
pageNoCurr.textContent = nextPage;
const navJump = (e) => {
const pages = getPageCount();
const curr = getCurrPage();
pageCurr.innerText = pageValue.value;
pageNoCurr.textContent = pageValue.value;
const updatePager = () => {
const count = getPageCount();
const curr = getCurrPage();
pageCurr.innerText = curr > count ? 1 : curr;
pageNoCurr.textContent = curr > count ? 1 : curr;
pageNoCount.textContent = count;
const retrieveAllQuotes = async function() {
quotes: "1The cat is better than dog."
quotes: "2Google is a open source library."
quotes: "3Cats are better than ferrets."
quotes: "4Love books."
quotes: "5Life is short make it possible."
quotes: "6The cat is better than dog"
quotes: "7Google is a open source library."
quotes: "8Cats are better than ferrets."
quotes: "9Love books."
quotes: "10Life is short make it possible."
quotes: "1The cat is better than dog."
quotes: "2Google is a open source library."
quotes: "3Cats are better than ferrets."
quotes: "4Love books."
quotes: "5Life is short make it possible."
quotes: "6The cat is better than dog"
quotes: "7Google is a open source library."
quotes: "8Cats are better than ferrets."
quotes: "9Love books."
quotes: "10Life is short make it possible."
quotes: "1The cat is better than dog."
quotes: "2Google is a open source library."
quotes: "3Cats are better than ferrets."
quotes: "4Love books."
quotes: "5Life is short make it possible."
quotes: "6The cat is better than dog"
quotes: "7Google is a open source library."
quotes: "8Cats are better than ferrets."
quotes: "9Love books."
quotes: "10Life is short make it possible."
quotes: "1The cat is better than dog."
quotes: "2Google is a open source library."
quotes: "3Cats are better than ferrets."
quotes: "4Love books."
quotes: "5Life is short make it possible."
quotes: "6The cat is better than dog"
quotes: "7Google is a open source library."
quotes: "8Cats are better than ferrets."
quotes: "9Love books."
quotes: "10Life is short make it possible."
function (e) {
if (e.target && e.target.matches('.copystatus')) {
const quote = e.target.parentNode.closest('.latestatus')
const notify = e.target.nextSibling.closest('.status-copy-alert');
setTimeout(() => {
}, 1000);
const textArea = document.createElement('textarea');
textArea.value = quote;
Run the above code. You will see some quotes with excellent pagination. At the bottom of the page you can see a input tag and a Go button. This input and button is used to jump from one page to another. Just above of this you can see Page 1 of 4 which indicates how many pages are there.
Now let us consider Page 1 of 4 as Page 1 of Y. Remember that the number 4 will gradually change when I add more quotes in JavaScript.
Now my problem is the input tag of the bottom. I needed it to limited to Y because the Y value may change everytime when I add quotes. Is there any way so that if user enters a number higher than value Y it should be replaced to value Y and if the user enters lower than 1 it should be replaced to 1
I have tried different ways to solve this problem but none of them work and I am new to Javascript.
I hearty thanks for those who answer this question.
question from: