Rust already does this by default. Every float is printed with as many digits as are necessary to denote that particular float uniquely.
Here's a program to demonstrate this. It generates 10000 random floats, converts them to strings, and checks how many digits can be deleted from the fractional part without changing the value.
(Caveat: This does not show that there aren't cases where the number could be represented in fewer digits by rounding it in a different direction, which can happen sometimes if I remember correctly. I'm not a float formatting expert.)
use std::collections::HashMap;
use rand::{Rng, thread_rng};
/// Change this to choose the type analyzed
type Float = f32;
fn main() {
let mut rng = thread_rng();
let mut digit_histogram = HashMap::new();
for _ in 1..10000 {
let x: Float = rng.gen_range(0.0..10.0);
let string = x.to_string();
// Break up string representation
let before_exponent_pos = string.find('e').unwrap_or(string.len());
let after_decimal_pos = string.find('.')
.map(|p| p + 1)
let prefix = &string[..after_decimal_pos];
let mut fractional_digits = &string[after_decimal_pos..before_exponent_pos];
let suffix = &string[before_exponent_pos..];
// What happens if we truncate the digits?
let initial_digits = fractional_digits.len();
let mut unnecessary_digits = 0;
while fractional_digits.len() > 0 {
fractional_digits = &fractional_digits[..fractional_digits.len() - 1];
let shortened_string = format!("{}{}{}",
let shortened_x = shortened_string.parse::<Float>().unwrap();
if shortened_x == x {
unnecessary_digits += 1;
} else {
.entry((initial_digits, unnecessary_digits))
.or_insert(0)) += 1;
// Summarize results.
let mut digit_histogram = digit_histogram.into_iter().collect::<Vec<_>>();
digit_histogram.sort_by_key(|pair| pair.0);
for ((initial_digits, unnecessary_digits), occurrences) in digit_histogram {
"{} digits with {} unnecessary × {}",
Runnable on Rust Playground. Results:
2 digits with 0 unnecessary × 1
3 digits with 0 unnecessary × 6
4 digits with 0 unnecessary × 25
5 digits with 0 unnecessary × 401
6 digits with 0 unnecessary × 4061
7 digits with 0 unnecessary × 4931
8 digits with 0 unnecessary × 504
9 digits with 0 unnecessary × 62
10 digits with 0 unnecessary × 8
The program saw a wide variety of numbers of digits, but never any that could be deleted without changing the answer.