The best explanation I found is some lecture slides from Pierre Legendre, Département de sciences biologiques, Université de Montréal ( However, while these slides did show the way to plot a distance and correlation biplot manually, they didn't show how to plot the distance and correlation biplots from the results of prcomp.
So I worked through an example that shows how one can use the outputs of prcomp for them to be equivalent to the example walked through in the pdf above. I am leaving this here for future people like myself who are wondering how to plot a distance vs correlation biplot and when you want to use each (according to Pierre Legendre)
#Run standard PCA
pca_res <- prcomp(mtcars[, 1:7], center = TRUE, scale = TRUE, retx = TRUE)
#To print a distance biplot, simply plot pca_red$x as points and $rotation
#as vectors
arrow_len <- 3 #arbitrary scaling of arrows so they're same mag as PC scores
ggplot(data =$x), aes(x = PC1, y = PC2)) +
geom_point() +
geom_segment(data =$rotation),
aes(x = 0, y = 0, yend = arrow_len*PC1, xend = arrow_len*PC2),
arrow = arrow(length = unit(0.02, "npc"))) +
geom_text(data =$rotation),
mapping = aes(y = arrow_len*PC1, x = arrow_len*PC2,
label = row.names(pca_res$rotation)))
#This is equivalent to the following steps:
Y_centered <- scale(mtcars[, 1:7], center = TRUE, scale = TRUE)
Y_eig <- eigen(cov(Y_centered))
#Note that Y_eig$vectors == pca_res$rotation ("rotations" or "loadings")
# and Y_eig$values (eigenvalues) == pca_res$sdev**2
#For a distance biplot
U_frame <- Y_eig$vectors
#F is your PC scores, achieved by multiplying your original data by the rotations
F_frame <- Y_centered %*% U_frame
#flipping constants if needed bc PC axis direction is arbitrary
x_flip = -1
y_flip = -1
ggplot(data =, aes(x = x_flip*V1, y = y_flip*V2)) +
geom_point() +
geom_segment(data =,
aes(x = 0, y = 0, yend = y_flip*arrow_len*V1, xend = x_flip*arrow_len*V2),
arrow = arrow(length = unit(0.02, "npc"))) +
geom_text(data =,
mapping = aes(y = y_flip*arrow_len*V1, x = x_flip*arrow_len*V2,
label = colnames(Y_centered)))
#To print a correlation biplot, matrix multiply your rotations/loadings
# by the identity matrix times your PCA standard deviations
# (equivalent to the sqrt of your eigen values)
U_frame_scaling2 <- U_frame %*% diag(Y_eig$values^(0.5))
#And divide your PC scores by your PCA standard deviations
# (equivalent to 1/sqrt(eigen values)
F_frame_scaling2 <- F_frame %*% diag(Y_eig$values^(-0.5))
arrow_len <- 1.5 #arbitrary scaling of arrows so they're same mag as PC scores
ggplot(data =$x %*% diag(1/pca_res$sdev)),
aes(x = V1, y = V2)) +
geom_point() +
geom_segment(data =$rotation %*% diag(pca_res$sdev)),
aes(x = 0, y = 0, yend = arrow_len*V1, xend = arrow_len*V2),
arrow = arrow(length = unit(0.02, "npc"))) +
geom_text(data =$rotation %*% diag(pca_res$sdev)),
mapping = aes(y = arrow_len*V1, x = arrow_len*V2,
label = row.names(pca_res$rotation)))
ggplot(data =, aes(x = x_flip*V1, y = y_flip*V2)) +
geom_point() +
geom_segment(data =,
aes(x = 0, y = 0, yend = y_flip*arrow_len*V1, xend = x_flip*arrow_len*V2),
arrow = arrow(length = unit(0.02, "npc"))) +
geom_text(data =,
mapping = aes(y = y_flip*arrow_len*V1, x = x_flip*arrow_len*V2,
label = colnames(Y_centered)))
As for the differences between the two (in case the pdf above becomes unavailable at some point):
Scaling type 1: distance biplot, used when the interest is on the
positions of the objects with respect to one another. –
- Plot matrices F to represent the objects and U for the variables.
Scaling type 2: correlation biplot, used when the angular
relationships among the variables are of primary interest. –
- Plot matrices G to represent the objects and Usc2 for the
variables, where G = FΛ–1/2 , and Usc2 = UΛ1/2.
In scaling 1 (distance biplot),
- the sites have variances, along each axis (or principal
component), equal to the axis eigenvalue (column of F);
- the eigenvectors (columns of U) are normed to lengths = 1;
- the length (norm) of each species vector in the pdimensional ordination space (rows of U) is 1.
In scaling 2 (correlation biplot),
- the sites have unit variance along each axis (columns of G);
- the eigenvectors (columns of Usc2) are normed to
lengths = sqrt(eigenvalues);
- the norm of each species vector in the p-dimensional
ordination space (rows of Usc2) is its standard deviation.
In scaling 1 (distance biplot),
- Distances among objects approximate their Euclidean distances in
full multidimensional space.
- Projecting an object at right angle on a descriptor approximates the
position of the object along that descriptor.
- Since descriptors have equal lengths of 1 in the full-dimensional
space, the length of the projection of a descriptor in reduced space
indicates how much it contributes to the formation of that space.
- A scaling 1 biplot thus shows which variables contribute the most
to the ordination in a few dimensions (see also section: Equilibrium
contribution of variables).
- The descriptor-axes are orthogonal (90°) to one another in
multidimensional space. These right angles, projected in reduced
space, do not reflect the variables’ correlations.
In scaling 2 (correlation biplot),
- Distances among objects approximate their Mahalanobis distances
in full multidimensional space.
- Projecting an object at right angle on a descriptor approximates the
position of the object along that descriptor.
- Since descriptors have lengths sj in full-dimensional space, the
length of the projection of a descriptor j in reduced space is an
approximation of its standard deviation sj
. Note: sj is 1 when the
variables have been standardized.
- The angles between descriptors in the biplot reflect their
- When the distance relationships among objects are important for
interpretation, this type of biplot is inadequate; a distance biplot
should be used.