Here is one way to do it:
I made a simple test dataframe:
df = pd.DataFrame({'z': [1.525, -1.234, -2.345, '1.32-2', '-2.54-5']})
This tries to convert things to nueric values, but will put a "NaN" in the places it fails.
df['b'] = pd.to_numeric(df['z'], errors='coerce')
Then I make a column where everything is a string, and overwrite the entries that were "NaN" when trying to convert the first time. The overwriting uses a regular expression to make the failed scientific notation "-" into the string "e-""
df['c'] = df['z'].astype(str)
df.loc[df['b'].isna(), 'c'] = df['z'].str.replace(r'(d+)(-)(d+)', r'1e-3', regex=True)
Now that the string format is correct, this can convert them.
df['d'] = pd.to_numeric(df['c'])
Here is the dataframe:
a b c d
0 1.525 1.525 1.525 1.525000
1 -1.234 -1.234 -1.234 -1.234000
2 -2.345 -2.345 -2.345 -2.345000
3 1.32-2 NaN 1.32e-2 0.013200
4 -2.54-5 NaN -2.54e-5 -0.000025
Then just grab the column you want:
df_new = df[['d']].copy().rename(columns={'d':'z'})