It would help if you provide a reproducible example. It appears that you just saved your original Stata file back to Stata because you did not assign the dataset with new variable to the R object.
In the first line of your code before LMI_MENA %>%
, add LMI_MENA <- LMI_MENA %>%
pivot_longer(fem_unemployment:male_emp, names_to = "names", values_to = "values") %>%
mutate(Gender = case_when(
str_detect(names, "fem") ~ "Female",
str_detect(names, "male") ~ "Male",
TRUE ~ "Total"
)) %>%
mutate(names = case_when(
names %in% c("fem_unemployment", "male_unemployment", "urate") ~ "Unemployment",
names %in% c("lfprate", "female_lfp", "male_lfp") ~ "LaborForceParticipation",
names %in% c("fem_emp", "male_emp") ~ "Employment"
)) %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = "names", values_from = "values")