ResourceQuotas are a good start, limiting the amount of resources a that may be used within a namespace, or by resources matching an expression.
It would indeed prevent the scheduler from creating Pods that would exceed your quota limitations. The API would still accept new Job objects posted by clients. If you have N Jobs requesting 1 CPU/1G RAM, while your quota only allows for less than 2CPU/2G RAM to be used, you should see those jobs running sequentially.
Though it could still make sense to track how many pending/running jobs you have in your namespace, as this could show there are currently too many jobs to run with your current quota configuration. The kube-state-metrics exporter from Prometheus would gather the metrics you need for this, you'ld find sample dashboards in Grafana, alerting rules over there.
If there's a risk some containers would start without passing proper cpu or memory resources requests / limits, you could also look into LimitRanges, forcing some defaults.