Is there any method to add a android app to exiting firebase project programmatically and i need the google-services.json as result then i need to add sha key with that same app using node-js
online documentation not solve my problem or i don't understand how to do it from that documentation
Thankyou for your answer i flowed it and facing another issue
@admin and @Frank van Puffelen please check
when i try to create android it showing this error.
{ "error": { "code": 400, "message": "Request contains an invalid argument.", "status": "INVALID_ARGUMENT" } }
I send post request from live api test window
and in parent i set it as `projects/343202254462`
{ "displayName": "testing", "name": "te4sting", "packageName": "io.asdasd.fdsfdsf", "projectId": "324324324", "appId": "wdeqwe" }