I am running my jenkins in Kubernetes to create dynamic slave pod based on requirement.
And each file is uses some credentials from jenkins.
Now the problem is when I run some command in sh script:"" then that credentials are visible on log view option on UI.
as below screenshot.
My Jenkinsfile is looks like below
containers: [
containerTemplate(name: 'helm', alwaysPullImage: true, image: 'k8s-helm:v3.4.2', command: 'cat',
ttyEnabled: true)
imagePullSecrets: ['registry-credentials']) {
[string(name: 'dockerImageTag', description: 'Docker image tag to deploy'),
string(name: 'branchName', defaultValue: 'dev', description: 'Branch being deployed'),
string(name: 'targetBranch', defaultValue: 'dev', description: 'Target branch against which if a PR is being raised')])])
currentBuild.description = "branch ${params.branchName}"
node(POD_LABEL) {
container('helm') {
withCredentials([[$class : 'FileBinding',
credentialsId: 'sling-test-kubeconfig',
variable : 'KUBECONFIG'],
[$class : 'StringBinding',
credentialsId: 'sd-charts-github-api-token',
variable : 'API_TOKEN']]) {
stage('Add Helm repository') {
sh script: "helm repo add stable 'https://charts.helm.sh/stable'",
label: 'Add stable helm repo'
sh script: 'helm repo list', label: 'List available helm repos'
withCredentials([[$class : 'StringBinding',
credentialsId: 'test-env-postgres-password',
variable : 'POSTGRES_PASSWORD'],
[$class : 'StringBinding',
credentialsId: 'test-env-rabbitmq-password',
variable : 'RABBITMQ_PASSWORD']]) {
stage('Deploy') {
echo "Deploying docker release -> myhost.com/8023/sling/scheduler:${params.dockerImageTag}"
sh script: "scheduler charts/scheduler " +
"--set appConfig.postgres.password=${POSTGRES_PASSWORD}," +
"image.tag=${params.dockerImageTag}," +
"appConfig.rabbitmq.password=${RABBITMQ_PASSWORD}," +
"deployment.annotations.buildNumber=${currentBuild.number} " +
label: 'Install helm release'
This file has some credentials (i.e. RABBITMQ_PASSWORD, POSTGRES_PASSWORD etc... there are lot more then this) which I do not want to show on UI logs, basically I don't want to show entire command which is at
sh script: "scheduler charts/scheduler " +
"--set appConfig.postgres.password=${POSTGRES_PASSWORD}," +
"image.tag=${params.dockerImageTag}," +
"appConfig.rabbitmq.password=${RABBITMQ_PASSWORD}," +
"deployment.annotations.buildNumber=${currentBuild.number} " +
label: 'Install helm release'
I got some reference but this is also not working.
Can someone please help me to solve this.
question from: