I’m working on a variant of poker which requires two decks. For statistical reasons it’s important that when shuffling the two decks a common random number generator be used. For testing I have a small main where I create an instance of the random number generator and two instances of the deck. I reference to the instance “Random” in classDeck with the statement “extern classRNG Random.”
Everything compiles OK, but I get the linker error “Deck.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "class classRNG Random" (?Random@@3VclassRNG@@A).” If I create the instance Random in classDeck instead of in main everything compiles and links OK, but of course that would create a separate random number generator for each deck.
There is clearly something I’m overlooking.
It's a lot of code to go through, but I think the error is being created by the function "Shuffle" in Deck.cpp, near the end of Deck.cpp. That's were I have the statement "extern classRNG Random." Commenting out the line "RawDeck[i].SortParam = Random.RNGGet()" eliminates the error.
Here’s the code for RNG.h:
#ifndef RNG_H
#define RNG_H
class classRNG
static unsigned long long Seed;
classRNG(); // Default constructor;
classRNG(unsigned long long ullSeed); // Constructor with initial seed
unsigned long long RNGGet(); //Get a random number
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include "RNG.h"
using namespace std;
const unsigned long long T1 = 60LL, T2 = 59LL;
classRNG::classRNG() // Default constructor
int i;
Seed = 3;
for (i=0; i<7*T1; i++) //Step thru some numbers to stabilize
classRNG::classRNG(unsigned long long ullSeed) // Constructor with initial seed
const unsigned long long Mask1 = powl(2LL,T1);
const unsigned long long Mask = Mask1 - 2LL;
int i;
Seed = ullSeed % Mask;
for (i=0; i<7*T1; i++) //Step over trivial numbers
// This method is used to obtain a random number. It returns an unsigned Long Long.
unsigned long long classRNG::RNGGet()
const long long Test1 = powl(2LL, T1-1LL);
const long long Test2 = powl(2LL, T2-1LL);
const unsigned long long Mask1 = powl(2LL,T1);
const unsigned long long Mask = Mask1 - 2LL;
const unsigned long long Taps = Test1 | Test2;
const unsigned long long Scram = 0x693474786E579bd % Mask;
unsigned long long Test;
Test = Seed & Taps;
Seed = (Seed << 1) & Mask;
if (Test == Test1 | Test == Test2){
Seed = Seed | 1LL;
return Seed * Scram;
unsigned long long classRNG::Seed = 3;
#ifndef DECK_H
#define DECK_H
#include "struct_defs.h"
class classDeck
static int NextCard; // Pointer to next card in the deck
static bool Ready; // Indicates that deck is not dirty
static structSortCard RawDeck[53]; // Stores the raw card value (1-52) with a sort parameter
bool SortDeck(int Plow, int Phi); // Used in Shuffle
void SwapCards(int P1, int P2); // Used in SortDeck
classDeck(); //Constructor;
bool InitializeDeck();
bool Shuffle();
structCardDef GetCard();
bool DeckReady ();
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include "RNG.h"
#include "struct_defs.h" // Data structures
#include "Deck.h"
using namespace std;
This type manages the card deck. No data are directly exposed. It provides the following methods:
- InitializeDeck. Restores deck to unsorted state. (Probably never use this)
- Shuffle. Returns True when complete.
- GetCard. Returns the next card as Class classCardDef.
- DeckReady. Returns True if the deck is shuffled and not dirty.
int classDeck::NextCard = 1;
bool classDeck::Ready = false;
structSortCard classDeck::RawDeck[] = {0};
classDeck::classDeck() //Constructor
bool classDeck::SortDeck(int Plow, int Phi)
int Pivot, P1, P2, P3, i;
Ready = false;
// Check for trivial cases
if ((Phi - Plow) < 2) // Nothing to sort
return true;
if (((Phi - Plow) == 2) && RawDeck[Plow].SortParam > RawDeck[Phi].SortParam) // Only two - easy peasy
SwapCards(Phi, Plow);
return true;
// Set Pivot to last element
Pivot = Phi;
P3 = 0;
// Search for an element larger than the pivot, and set P1 to that
for (P1 = Plow; P1 < Pivot; P1++)
if(RawDeck[P1].SortParam > RawDeck[Pivot].SortParam) // Found a large number
// Search from P1+1 to Pivot-1 to find an element smaller than the pivot and set P2 to that
for (P2 = P1+1; P2 < Pivot; P2++)
if(RawDeck[P2].SortParam < RawDeck[Pivot].SortParam) // Found a small number
// Swap elements at P1 & P2
SwapCards(P1, P2);
P3 = P1; // Remember leftmost large card
if (P2 >= Pivot) // Reached the pivot without finding another small card
// Move Pivot to P3
if (P3 > 0) // There's at least one large card
SwapCards(P3, Pivot); // The Pivot is now at P3
// Split into two parts, and iterate any part with more than one element
Ready = SortDeck(Plow, P3 - 1) && SortDeck(P3 + 1, Phi);
return Ready;
void classDeck::SwapCards(int P1, int P2)
structSortCard Temp;
Temp.Value = RawDeck[P1].Value;
Temp.SortParam = RawDeck[P1].SortParam;
RawDeck[P1].Value = RawDeck[P2].Value;
RawDeck[P1].SortParam = RawDeck[P2].SortParam;
RawDeck[P2].Value = Temp.Value;
RawDeck[P2].SortParam = Temp.SortParam;
bool classDeck::InitializeDeck()
int i;
Ready = false;
for (i = 1; i <= 52; i++)
RawDeck[i].Value = i;
Ready = Shuffle();
return Ready;
bool classDeck::Shuffle()
int i;
extern classRNG Random;
Ready = false;
for (i = 1; i <= 52;i++)
RawDeck[i].SortParam = Random.RNGGet();
// Sort the deck
Ready = SortDeck(1, 52);
return Ready;
structCardDef classDeck::GetCard()
structCardDef NewCard;
int Card;
Ready = false;
Card = RawDeck[NextCard++].Value;
NewCard.Card = Card % 13 + 1;
NewCard.Suit = Card / 13 + 1;
return NewCard;
bool classDeck::DeckReady ()
return Ready;
And finally, main.cpp
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include "RNG.h"
#include "struct_defs.h"
#include "Deck.h"
using namespace std;
int main()
unsigned long long X;
classRNG Random; // Create an instance of classRNG
X = Random.RNGGet();
// Create two decks
classDeck Deck[2];
The structure "structSortCard" is defined in "struct_defs.h" as:
struct structSortCard
int Value;
unsigned long long SortParam;
I've tried a lot of things to no avail.
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