how can I discard changes after Exception? I want to save recordB even when recordA failed to save.
//The transaction comes from else where, cannot modify it @Transactional void updateRecord{ Record recordA = repository.findById(ida); Record recordB = repository.findById(idb); recordA.setXXX(); recordB.setXXX(); try { repository.saveAndFlush(recordA); } catch (Exception exp) { if (exp instanceof DataIntegrityViolationException) { entityManager.detach(recordA); } else { throw new RuntimeException(exp); } } repository.saveAndFlush(recordB);//got exception cause recordA still engaged }
Can not be done in same transaction.
1: need to set globalRollbackOnParticipationFailure = true
2: start an new transaction with proper propagation, do everything and rollback within that transaction
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