I took the below code from one of the answered queries in Stackoverflow (unfortunately i cannot give full credit as i cannot locate the page anymore). I changed it a bit to fit my purpose.
I want to extract historical Reuters data (fundamentalData) for a list of tickers. The below code works fine but it only grabs the last ticker data. I know i need to build a while loop but i tried many times and none worked. I'm sure this is a quick fix but since I am new at coding and python in general I just can't find the solution. Any help would be appreciated!
#Import all libriaries
from ib.opt import ibConnection, message
from time import sleep
import lxml.etree
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from IPython.core.debugger import set_trace
from ibapi import wrapper
from ibapi.client import EClient
from ibapi.common import *
from ibapi.contract import Contract
#upload excel file of list of company tickers you want to review
us_list= pd.read_excel(r'C:TWS APIRequest Reuters dataQuant Project IB TWS_test.xlsx', engine='openpyxl')
stocksList = us_list[['TICKER']]
def fundamentalData_handler(msg):
global imported
imported = msg.data
def error_handler(msg):
# processing of the lines in financial statements
def extractVauleFromLineItem(fiscalperiod, code):
stage1 = fiscalperiod.find(name='lineitem', coacode=code)
if (not stage1 is None):
stage2 = stage1.get_text()
if (stage2 == stage2):
stage3 = float(stage2)
if (stage3 == stage3):
return (stage3)
return (0.0)
result = pd.DataFrame(columns =['Year', 'Ticker','control','TotalRevenue', 'GrossProfit', 'CommonSharesOutstanding','DilutedNormalizedEPS', 'totalCash', 'TotalDebt','Dividends'])
outcomes = []
for i, row in stocksList.iterrows():
contract = Contract()
contract.symbol = row['TICKER']
contract.secType = "STK"
contract.currency = "USD"
contract.exchange = "SMART"
tws = ibConnection("",port=7497, clientId=901)
tws.register(error_handler, message.Error)
tws.register(fundamentalData_handler, message.fundamentalData)
soup = BeautifulSoup(imported) # library for processing of the obtained XML data
data = []
print(soup.find(name='issueid', type="Ticker").get_text())
print(soup.find(name='coid', type="CompanyName").get_text())
# I found that IB API is not very stable.
# Sometimes it returns data of the wrong company.
# So the control is important
print('Control -',contract.symbol == soup.find(name='issueid', type="Ticker").get_text())
for fiscalperiod in soup.find_all(name="fiscalperiod", type="Annual"):
year = fiscalperiod['fiscalyear']
TotalRevenue = extractVauleFromLineItem(fiscalperiod, 'RTLR')
GrossProfit = extractVauleFromLineItem(fiscalperiod, 'SGRP')
CommonSharesOutstanding = extractVauleFromLineItem(fiscalperiod, 'QTCO')
DilutedNormalizedEPS = extractVauleFromLineItem(fiscalperiod, 'VDES')
totalCash = extractVauleFromLineItem(fiscalperiod, 'OTLO')
TotalDebt = extractVauleFromLineItem(fiscalperiod, 'STLD')
Dividends = extractVauleFromLineItem(fiscalperiod, 'FCDP')
thisYearData = (year,contract.symbol, (contract.symbol == soup.find(name='issueid', type="Ticker").get_text()),TotalRevenue , GrossProfit, CommonSharesOutstanding, totalCash, TotalDebt, Dividends)
df_data = pd.DataFrame(data, columns =['Year','control','TotalRevenue', 'GrossProfit', 'CommonSharesOutstanding','DilutedNormalizedEPS', 'totalCash', 'TotalDebt','Dividends'])
df_data = df_data.sort_values(by=['Year'])
question from: