EDIT 22/01/2021
Thanks for advices in models naming.
Here is diagram of my database: https://dbdiagram.io/d/5fd0815c9a6c525a03ba5f6f?
As you can see in this diagram, I have simplyed as Customers_Orders is in fact a ternary relationship with models comments. I decided to use an 'declared' throught models for this ternary relationship
Do I realy need to add a ManyToMany fields in Orders?
I have a look at Django's doc example with person, group and membership (https://docs.djangoproject.com/fr/3.1/topics/db/models/) and a manytomany fiels is added only in Group model, not in Person model
I have 2 models (Customers and Orders) with a declared throught models (Customers_Orders) to manage manytomany relationship.
But I did'nt understand how to query to have :
- for one Customer, all its orders: How many orders were made by each customer
- for one Order, all its customers: How many customers were associated for each order
I have understood, I should do:
c = Customers.objects.get(customer_id=1)
c.CustomersOrders.all() but it failled AttributeError: 'Customers' object has no attribute 'CustomersOrdersComments'
class Customers(SafeDeleteModel):
customer_id = models.AutoField("Customer id", primary_key = True)
orders = models.ManyToManyField(Orders, through = Customers_Orders, related_name = "CustomersOrders")
created_at = models.DateTimeField("Date created", auto_now_add = True)
class Orders(SafeDeleteModel):
order_id = models.AutoField("Order id", primary_key = True)
created_at = models.DateTimeField("Date created", auto_now_add = True)
class Customers_Orders(SafeDeleteModel):
order = models.ForeignKey("Orders", on_delete = models.CASCADE)
customer = models.ForeignKey("Customers", on_delete = models.CASCADE)