I have a lot of buttons and I use images in them so I created a class to make it readable but I have a problem because I have sometimes a multiple arguments functions (to use it in the bind section below).
This is my code:
class myButton():
def __init__(self, master, relx: float, rely: float, relwidth: float, relheight: float, color, image, function, *args):
self.master = master
self.relx = relx
self.rely = rely
self.relwidth = relwidth
self.relheight = relheight
self.color = color
self.image = image
self.function = function
self.myButton = Button(master, bg=self.color, image=self.image, activebackground=self.color, bd=0)
self.myButton.place(relx=self.relx, rely=self.rely, relheight=self.relheight, relwidth=self.relwidth)
# The problem is in the following line
self.myButton.bind("<Button-1>", lambda event, *args: self.function(event, *args))
def place_forget(self):
def show(self):
self.myButton.place(relx=self.relx, rely=self.rely, relheight=self.relheight, relwidth=self.relwidth)
Do you have any suggestions?
When I pass argument in the place of *args
I get an error that arguments are missing
Exemples of Entries
First with error
buttonname1 = myButton(master1, 0.75, 0.5, 0.25, 0.25, color_main_content, ButtonValidate,
function, argument1, argument1)
function1 is multivariable function
ButtonValidate is an image
argument1 and argument2 (maybe more arguments for other functions)
definition of the function
def function(event, argument1, argument2):
pass # main function
Example without multiple arguments
buttonname2 = myButton(master2, 0.75, 0.5, 0.25, 0.25, color_main_content, ButtonNext,
definition of function 2
def function2(event):
I want a class that works for both situations
Error Message:
TypeError: function() missing 2 required positional arguments: 'argument1' and 'argument2'
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