I created a workaround with directive:
.directive("fileread", [function () {
return {
scope: {
fileread: "="
link: function (scope, element, attributes) {
element.bind("change", function (changeEvent) {
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = function (loadEvent) {
scope.$apply(function () {
scope.fileread = loadEvent.target.result;
And the input tag becomes:
<input type="file" fileread="vm.uploadme" />
Or if just the file definition is needed:
.directive("fileread", [function () {
return {
scope: {
fileread: "="
link: function (scope, element, attributes) {
element.bind("change", function (changeEvent) {
scope.$apply(function () {
scope.fileread = changeEvent.target.files[0];
// or all selected files:
// scope.fileread = changeEvent.target.files;