On a recurring basis I need to provide a list of specific IDs which are in multiple data-frames. I also need to identify each data frame that the ID is in. It could be one, it could be all of them. These multiple data frames are in a list consisting of only these data frames.
Points to consider:
- These list are already created from previous process, I am married to them
- Each data frame in the list will be named and that name is what I need as the column names in the desired_result file
- The dfs within the list are not consistent from list to list or run to run which is what creates my inability to get through this.
- the goal is to show which IDs are in multiple data frames and which specific one(s) as in the "desired_results"
- I AM NOT married to the results format. Anything that conveys the message will work.
#creates list
name <- c("Bill","Fred","Bob","John","Tom","Larry")
ID <- as.character(c(123,345,456,567,678,789))
df <- data.frame(name,ID)
bosses <- df[1:2,]
coworkers <- df[3:6,]
losers <- df[2:4,]
the_list <- list(bosses,coworkers,losers)
newnames <- c("bosses","coworkers","losers")
names(the_list) <- newnames
#creates desired results
a <- c("x","x",NA,NA,NA,NA)
b <- c(NA,NA,"x","x","x","x")
c <- c(NA,"x","x","x",NA,NA)
desired_result <- data.frame(ID,a,b,c)
colnames(desired_result) <- c("ID","bosses","coworkers","losers")
#clean up
I did go back and confirm each element in the list is named. the value is shown as tibble if that matters but I was under impression all table format data is a tibble in list.
Additional code for debug: Yes I have confirmed case and spelling in my code.
bind_rows(passes, .Reference_ID = 'grp') %>% pivot_wider(names_from = grp, values_from = Authentication_Status)
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