-Offset is actually where you want to start reading your bytes from.
Assume a Text file with the following data
Computer-science World
Quantum Computing
now the offset for the first line is 0 <0,Computer Science World> for the second line the offset will be <23,Quantum Computing>
-ByteCount is the number of bytes you want to count(include)
Let's help you with a piece of simple code
byte[] bytes1 = "Hello, World!".getBytes(Charsets.UTF_8);
ByteString byteString = ByteString.of(bytes1, 2, 9);
// Verify that the bytes were copied out.
Answer is : llo, Worl
So basically, method can be used as a substring. But since you want to send in all the bytes, you can simply use
fun of(vararg data: Byte): ByteString