I can think of a couple solutions.
One solution might be to create a temporary table. Do an insert into the table for each parameter that you would have in the in clause. Then do a simple join against your temporary table.
Another method might be to do something like this.
$dbh=new PDO($dbConnect, $dbUser, $dbPass);
$parms=array(12, 45, 65, 33);
$parmcount=count($parms); // = 4
$inclause=implode(',',array_fill(0,$parmcount,'?')); // = ?,?,?,?
$sql='SELECT age, name FROM people WHERE id IN (%s)';
$preparesql=sprintf($sql,$inclause); // = example statement used in the question
I suspect, but have no proof, that the first solution might be better for larger lists, and the later would work for smaller lists.
To make @orrd happy here is a terse version.
$dbh=new PDO($dbConnect, $dbUser, $dbPass);
$parms=array(12, 45, 65, 33);
$st=$dbh->prepare(sprintf('SELECT age, name FROM people WHERE id IN (%s)',