I'm trying to customise the semantic-ui components for a react-js project to change colour of a login button to be a hex colour code that I need (not the semantic-ui default colour). I followed with the guide on their main website https://react.semantic-ui.com/theming/
I followed the same way this guide instructed. However, the components that I used to import from semantic-ui-react stopped having semantic-ui style,
import { Button, Form, Grid, Header, Icon, Image, Message, Segment } from 'semantic-ui-react';
<Button icon floated='right' labelPosition='right' color='red' type='submit' disabled={submitting} loading={submitting}>
<Icon name='sign in'/>
I'm relatively new to semantic-ui and react-js but I have looked at all places and they explained in different ways or there methods don't work for me.
Actually even though I tried to run
npm run craco build
, it still didn't really override the variables / elements such as buttons, left navigation bar so the only way I worked around this was to actually override the CSS element directly. Still looking for the theming solution though