I have this apple script code that works fine from the Script Editor app:
tell application "Finder" to delete ((POSIX file "/Applications/Symantec Solutions/Symantec Endpoint Protection.app") as alias)
Now, I need to run that from my MDM solution (JAMF), so I'm trying to get it into a bash file as this:
osascript -e "tell application "Finder" to delete (POSIX file "/Applications/Symantec Solutions/Symantec Endpoint Protection.app") as alias"
but when run it from my editor (CodeRunner) it fails with: execution error: Not authorised to send Apple events to System Events. (-1743)
I think it's related with the Privacy Preferences Policy Control but I cannot make it work.
What I want to accomplish ultimately is that by running a script from my MDM I can get the same dialog that when I drag the app to the bin: "The application “Symantec Endpoint Protection” is hosting system extensions. These extensions will be removed if you continue." which I don't get if I just rm -rf
the whole app.
Sorry if I can't be any clearer. Any clues?