First you'll need to add the following permissions to your AndroidManifest.xml file.
<uses-permission android:name="" />
<uses-permission android:name="" />
The column structure is as follows:
(integer) _id, (text) package, (text) class, (integer) badgecount, (blob) icon, (???) extraData
In order to query ALL results from the BadgeProvider do the following:
// This is the content uri for the BadgeProvider
Uri uri = Uri.parse("content://com.sec.badge/apps");
Cursor c = getContentResolver().query(uri, null, null, null, null);
// This indicates the provider doesn't exist and you probably aren't running
// on a Samsung phone running TWLauncher. This has to be outside of try/finally block
if (c == null) {
try {
if (!c.moveToFirst()) {
// No results. Nothing to query
while (c.moveToNext()) {
String pkg = c.getString(1);
String clazz = c.getString(2);
int badgeCount = c.getInt(3);
Log.d("BadgeTest", "package: " + pkg + ", class: " + clazz + ", count: " + String.valueOf(cnt));
} finally {
In order to add a badge count to your application icon
ContentValues cv = new ContentValues();
cv.put("package", getPackageName());
// Name of your activity declared in the manifest as android.intent.action.MAIN.
// Must be fully qualified name as shown below
cv.put("class", "com.example.badge.activity.Test");
cv.put("badgecount", 1); // integer count you want to display
// Execute insert
getContentResolver().insert(Uri.parse("content://com.sec.badge/apps"), cv);
If you want to clear the badge count on your icon
ContentValues cv = new ContentValues();
cv.put("badgecount", 0);
getContentResolver().update(Uri.parse("content://com.sec.badge/apps"), cv, "package=?", new String[] {getPackageName()});
I have created an open source project that you can import as a library to assist with this. It's licensed as Apache so feel free to use it as you please.
You can get it from here: