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in Technique[技术] by (71.8m points)

javascript - Vue.js dynamic images not working

I have a case where in my Vue.js with webpack web app, I need to display dynamic images. I want to show img where file name of images are stored in a variable. That variable is a computed property which is returning a Vuex store variable, which is being populated asynchronously on beforeMount.

<div class="col-lg-2" v-for="pic in pics">
   <img v-bind:src="'../assets/' + pic + '.png'" v-bind:alt="pic">

However it works perfectly when I just do:

<img src="../assets/dog.png" alt="dog">

My case is similar to this fiddle, but here it works with img URL, but in mine with actual file paths, it does not work.

What should be correct way to do it?


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1 Reply

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by (71.8m points)

I got this working by following code

  getImgUrl(pet) {
    var images = require.context('../assets/', false, /.png$/)
    return images('./' + pet + ".png")

and in HTML:

<div class="col-lg-2" v-for="pic in pics">
   <img :src="getImgUrl(pic)" v-bind:alt="pic">

But not sure why my earlier approach did not work.

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