Edit: against my better judgement, I'll try to answer this question again.
Here's a simple approach to print what you want. Using Data::Walk is not feasible because you don't have key context when you are inside a hash (you just get a pointer to the container.)
This function works for somewhat complicated structures. Of course it will not give proper output if you put a function reference or something wonky in there.
use strict;
use warnings;
my $res;
sub walk {
my ($item, $path) = @_;
if (ref $item eq 'ARRAY') {
foreach (@$item) {
walk($_, $path);
} elsif (ref $item eq 'HASH') {
foreach (keys %$item) {
push @$path, $_;
walk($item->{$_}, $path);
pop @$path;
} else {
print join('-', @$path, $item), "
my $struct = {
a => {
a1 => { a11 => [ 1, 2, 3 ] },
a2 => { a22 => [5, 6, 7] }
b => { b1 => [ 99 ], },
c => [ 100, 101, ],
d => [ 101, { d2 => { d3 => [200, 210] }, }, ],
walk $struct;