I'm following this great tutorial to play a little bit with Bokeh.
Basically, I have a figure
with two independent line
added to it. Everything is rendered properly but when I want to update nothing happens even if I checked that the new ColumnDataSource
is well updated with the new values.
I render it using the command : bokeh serve --show my_app
Here is how I create my figure
src_p6 = make_dataset(["select_a", "select_b"])
p6 = make_plot(src_p6)
select_selection = CheckboxGroup(labels=["select_a", "select_b"], active = [0, 1])
select_selection.on_change('active', update)
controls = WidgetBox(select_selection)
curdoc().add_root(column(controls, p6, width=1200))
def make_dataset(select_list):
if 'select_a' in select_list and 'select_b' in select_list:
tmp = pd.DataFrame({'time': df["time"],
'a': df["a"],
'b': df["b"]
elif 'select_a' in select_list and 'select_b' not in select_list:
tmp = pd.DataFrame({'time': df["time"],
'a': df["a"]
elif 'select_a' not in select_list and 'select_b' in select_list:
tmp = pd.DataFrame({'time': df["time"],
'b': df["b"]
tmp = pd.DataFrame({'time': df["time"]
src = ColumnDataSource(tmp)
return src
def make_plot(plot_src):
p = figure(plot_width=1000, plot_height=600,
title="Line x2 with hover and update",
hover_content = [("Time", "@time")]
if 'a' in plot_src.data:
p.line(x='time', y='a', source=plot_src, legend="A", line_color="blue")
hover_content.append(("A", "@a"))
if 'b' in plot_src.data:
p.line(x='time', y='b', source=plot_src, legend="B", line_color="red")
hover_content.append(("B", "@b"))
return p
def update(attr, old, new):
select_to_plot = [select_selection.labels[i] for i in select_selection.active]
new_src = make_dataset(select_to_plot)
src_p6.data = new_src.data
print(src_p6.data) # I see here that the data are well updated compared to the first print
My incoming data is JSON and looks like this :
# {"data":[{"time":0,"a":123,"b":123},{"time":1,"a":456,"b":456},{"time":2,"a":789,"b":789}]}
# data = json.load(data_file, encoding='utf-8')
# df = pd.io.json.json_normalize(data['data'])
Thank you for your insights
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