Let me help you. I meet the same problem yesterday, and I solve it today in Mac environment (10.14.6).
1) Clear docker containers, images, and volumes:
docker rm -f $(docker ps -aq)
docker rmi -f $(docker images)
docker volume prune
2) Clear the network (bring the network down) and re-run the up command:
./byfn.sh down
./byfn.sh -m generate
./byfn.sh up
3) Re-install the platform-specific binaries and config files:
Open terminal
Go to your designated directory or your fabric-samples
Run the following command:
curl -sSL website | bash -s 1.2.0
4) Update docker and docker-compose to the latest version
Then run them again:
./byfn.sh -m generate
./byfn.sh up