When dealing with asynchronous io in python I typically use a library such as gevent or eventlet. The objective of these libraries is allow for applications written in a synchronous to be multiplexed by a back-end reactor.
This basic example demonstrates the launching of two green threads/co-routines/fibers to handle either side of the TCP duplex. The send side of the duplex is listening on an asynchronous queue.
This is all performed within a single hardware thread. Both gevent && eventlet have more substantive examples in their documentation that what I have provided below.
If you run nc -l -p 8000
you will see "012" printed out. As soon netcat is exited, this code will be terminated.
from eventlet import connect, sleep, GreenPool
from eventlet.queue import Queue
def handle_i(sock, queue):
while True:
data = sock.recv(8)
if data:
queue.put(None) #<- signal send side of duplex to exit
def handle_o(sock, queue):
while True:
data = queue.get()
if data:
queue = Queue()
sock = connect(('', 8000))
gpool = GreenPool()
gpool.spawn(handle_i, sock, queue)
gpool.spawn(handle_o, sock, queue)
for i in range(0, 3):
gpool.waitall() #<- waits until nc exits