There are a many ways to get these records loaded into the store. How you choose to do it depends on how the back end is set up. The easiest options are using the child records in a template, or doing a query. The instructions below only apply to apps using a REST adapter (since JSONAPI requests are standardized).
Let's start with using the records in a template.
In the route, fetch the post and return it in the model hook:
// post.js route
import Ember from 'ember';
export default Ember.Route.extend({
model(params) {
return'post', params.post_id)
Pass the model and its child records to a component:
// post.hbs route template
{{some-component comments=model.comments}}
Then use the comments in that component:
{{#each comments as |comment|}}
You should find that using the comments in a template triggers GET requests to the ids that came back with your initial post fetch, such as /comments/1
, /comments/2
, etc. In the component's actions, you can access the comments as this.get('comments')
Another option is to specify a query parameter to be received and processed by the back end.
// post.js route
import Ember from 'ember';
export default Ember.Route.extend({
model(params) {
return'comments', {post: params.post_id})
The code above will make a GET request to /comments?post=1. The back end is responsible for filtering through the database and returning only the records that belong to the post. Since model is a collection of comments, you'd use the results of the above in a template like this:
{{#each model as |comment|}}