Are you sure this is the entirety of the queries you're running? MERGE
has this really common pitfall where it merges everything that you give it. So here's what people expect:
neo4j-sh (?)$ MERGE (mac:MacAddress { Value: "D857EFEF1CF6" });
| No data returned. |
Nodes created: 1
Properties set: 1
Labels added: 1
1650 ms
neo4j-sh (?)$ MERGE (mac:MacAddress { Value: "D857EFEF1CF6" });
| No data returned, and nothing was changed. |
17 ms
neo4j-sh (?)$ match (mac:MacAddress { Value: "D857EFEF1CF6" }) return count(mac);
| count(mac) |
| 1 |
1 row
200 ms
So far, so good. That's what we expect. Now watch this:
neo4j-sh (?)$ MERGE (mac:MacAddress { Value: "D857EFEF1CF6" })-[r:foo]->(b:SomeNode {label: "Foo!"});
| No data returned. |
Nodes created: 2
Relationships created: 1
Properties set: 2
Labels added: 2
178 ms
neo4j-sh (?)$ match (mac:MacAddress { Value: "D857EFEF1CF6" }) return count(mac);
| count(mac) |
| 2 |
1 row
2 ms
Wait, WTF happened here? We specified only the same MAC address again, why is a duplicate created?
The documentation on MERGE specifies that "MERGE will not partially use existing patterns?—?it’s all or nothing. If partial matches are needed, this can be accomplished by splitting a pattern up into multiple MERGE clauses". So because when we run this path MERGE
the whole path doesn't already exist, it creates everything in it, including a duplicate mac address node.
There are frequently questions about duplicated nodes created by MERGE
, and 99 times out of 100, this is what's going on.