Well, i did my stuff, just forget to post it here.
First I did it with EditEnding event, it looked like that:
private void dataGrid1_EditEnding(object sender, DataGridCellEditEndingEventArgs e)
DataRowView drv = (DataRowView)dataGrid1.CurrentItem;
if (drv.Row[3, DataRowVersion.Original] != drv.Row[3])
rowView.Row.SetField(4, /* my logic here */);
The problem was it was adding the value only on second edit. Then I changed my idea and added a RowChanged event to my DataTable, which was like that:
static void dtSP_RowChanged(object sender, DataRowChangeEventArgs e)
bool temp = false;
temp = e.Row[4, DataRowVersion.Original] == e.Row[4];
catch { }
if (temp && int.Parse(e.Row[3].ToString()) != -1)
e.Row[4] = (/* my logic */);
The method was going into infinity loop (it was noticing, that fourth row had changed).
And then i saw this:
I've ended with one line long code:
dtSP.Columns[4].Expression = "expression";
@blindmeis, I forgott to mention I use ADO.NET, sorry