You are almost right. Your keyUp event is ok but you could also avoid to use jQuery like this:
"keyup .textInput": function(e, t) {
var searchString = e.currentTarget.value;
switch (e.which) {
case 27:
e.currentTarget.value = "";
Note that I use a switch in case you would want to add shortcuts for specific searches, like cmd+maj+c to search only for cities (it might be a little overkill)
Concerning the search function, I assume you want to search among the titles of your items, within the current dropdown filtering.
You then need to add an extra step to do this. You also need to set it before the other filters. See my example below, you insert it after var filtered = [];
var filtered = [];
var currentSearchTitle = searchTitle.get();
if(!currentSearchTitle || currentSearchTitle == "") {
filtered = raw;
} else {
currentSearchTitle = currentSearchTitle .replace(".", "\.");//for regex
var regEx = new RegExp(currentSearchTitle , "i");
filtered = _.filter(raw, function(item) {
return (item && item.title && item.title.match(regEx));
// your other filtering tasks
return filtered;
Also, take the time to understand what the code does, you must not just copy paste it.
This code is strongly inspired by the work of meteorkitchen author, @Perak. I adapted it but I have not tested it "as-is".