I was having the same problem and I want to share a hack that worked for me.
My app is based on ionic/angular/cordova and the android version was giving me a white screen around 50% the times on pause/resume.
When it happened, tapping anywhere on the screen or hitting the back button would make the screen to render again just fine.
I added a div tied to a scope variable named random
, like this:
<body ng-app="starter" id="body">
<div>{{ random }}</div>
Then I added a listener inside my app.js to capture the resume event
fired by cordova, to then change the random variable and call $apply(), like this:
document.addEventListener("resume", function() {
angular.element(document.querySelector('#body')).scope().random = Math.random();
Since the ion-nav-view
takes over the whole screen that div never shows up, but angular doesn't know that and refreshes the page, causing the whole thing to work.
(I tried to tie the variable to an invisible element but then angular doesn't refresh the page)
I hope this helps someone!