Your approach to read data returned from a SELECT query is (in this particular context) a bit wrong. Usually you call ExecuteReader of the SqlCommand instance to get back your data.
string strName = dtTable.Rows[i][myName].ToString();
string selectBrand = "SELECT [brand] FROM [myTable] WHERE [myName] = @name";
using(SqlCommand sqlCmdSelectBrand = new SqlCommand(selectBrand , sqlConn))
new SqlParameter("@name", SqlDbType.NVarChar)).Value = strName;
sqlCmdSelectBrand .Connection.Open();
using(SqlDataReader reader = sqlCmdSelectBrand.ExecuteReader())
string newBrand = reader.GetString(reader.GetOrdinal("Brand"));
..... work with the string newBrand....
// Message for data not found...
sqlCmdSelectBrand .Connection.Close();
In your context, the call to ExecuteNonQuery is not required because it doesn't return anything from a SELECT query. The call to ExecuteScalar should work if you have at least one record that match to the WHERE condition
Notice also that you should always use a parameterized query when building an sql command text. Also if you think to have full control of the inputs, concatenating string is the open door to Sql Injection