There is a problem with your Cordova Tools Installed or it is not installed. UPDATE or REINSTALL.
Microsoft Oficial Site:
Some tips to work with Cordova with Visual Studio 2015.
It is important that your Visual Studio is at least with Update 2 installed. (The current update version is Update 3).
You also must have installed Visual Studio Tools for Apache Cordova (Update 10)
You can Verify on Help -> About Microsoft Visual Studio
You must create a JavaScript -> "Blank App (Apache Cordova)"
It will create a blank project.
If the error persist Clear Cordova Cache and Run Dependency Check: Tools -> Options -> Tools For Apache Cordova
If you are beginning with Cordova, install "IonicVS2015" using Nuget, this package will help you installing and configuring Ionic and Angular.
You can also create a project Using Cordova Comand Tools and Import the Project in Visual Studio. It will create a file .jsproj