Here's an implementation I used to determine the number of calendar days between two dates:
+ (NSInteger)daysBetweenDate:(NSDate*)fromDateTime andDate:(NSDate*)toDateTime
NSDate *fromDate;
NSDate *toDate;
NSCalendar *calendar = [NSCalendar currentCalendar];
[calendar rangeOfUnit:NSCalendarUnitDay startDate:&fromDate
interval:NULL forDate:fromDateTime];
[calendar rangeOfUnit:NSCalendarUnitDay startDate:&toDate
interval:NULL forDate:toDateTime];
NSDateComponents *difference = [calendar components:NSCalendarUnitDay
fromDate:fromDate toDate:toDate options:0];
return [difference day];
Fantastic solution above, here's Swift version below as an extension on NSDate
extension NSDate {
func numberOfDaysUntilDateTime(toDateTime: NSDate, inTimeZone timeZone: NSTimeZone? = nil) -> Int {
let calendar = NSCalendar.currentCalendar()
if let timeZone = timeZone {
calendar.timeZone = timeZone
var fromDate: NSDate?, toDate: NSDate?
calendar.rangeOfUnit(.Day, startDate: &fromDate, interval: nil, forDate: self)
calendar.rangeOfUnit(.Day, startDate: &toDate, interval: nil, forDate: toDateTime)
let difference = calendar.components(.Day, fromDate: fromDate!, toDate: toDate!, options: [])
A bit of force unwrapping going on which you may want to remove depending on your use case.
The above solution also works for time zones other than the current time zone, perfect for an app that shows information about places all around the world.