It removes everything after the decimal point because the bitwise operators implicitly convert their operands to signed 32-bit integers. This works whether the operands are (floating-point) numbers or strings, and the result is a number.
In other words, it yields:
function(x) {
if(x < 0) return Math.ceil(x);
else return Math.floor(x);
only if x is between -(231) and 231 - 1. Otherwise, overflow will occur and the number will "wrap around".
This may be considered useful to convert a function's string argument to a number, but both because of the possibility of overflow and that it is incorrect for use with non-integers, I would not use it that way except for "code golf" (i.e. pointlessly trimming bytes off the source code of your program at the expense of readability and robustness). I would use +x
or Number(x)
How this is the NOT of the NOT
The number -43.2, for example is:
-43.210 = 111111111111111111111111110101012
as a signed (two's complement) 32-bit binary number. (JavaScript ignores what is after the decimal point.) Inverting the bits gives:
NOT -4310 = 000000000000000000000000001010102 = 4210
Inverting again gives:
NOT 4210 = 111111111111111111111111110101012 = -4310
This differs from Math.floor(-43.2)
in that negative numbers are rounded toward zero, not away from it. (The floor function, which would equal -44, always rounds down to the next lower integer, regardless of whether the number is positive or negative.)